Welcome to LEBR

Welcome to LEBR! We conduct a scietific research into how people make decisions and behave. For that we require the participation of volunteers. No special skills and knowladge are required and most participants will receive a reward. There are not right or wrong answers. In an economics experiment you are placed in a situation where you have to make decisions. For instance we may give you goods that you can then trade with the other participants. Or experiments that studies attitudes towards risk, fairness, social preferences, etc.

Who can register

Everyone is welcome to take part in our economic experiments. To take part in our experiments you must first register with us. Click on register here as a volunteer. Registering with LEBR does not commit you to anything. Once registered, you become eligible to receive e-mail messages inviting you to experiments. Those e-mail invitations will offer you opportunities to take part in experiments. For each specific experiment we will send you an e-mail invitation, which you may accept or decline. Each individual is allowed to register only once. Double registrations will be removed from the database.

Privacy policy

When you register you need to give us some personal details (e.g. ID number). We use these solely for recruitment and scientific purposes. The registration is usually for experiments run by us and occasionally to tell you about an opportunity to participate in research. We keep a record of which experiments you take part in though, because for sientific and methodology reasons we may not want to invite you to an experiment if you have participated in a similar one already. You can unsubscribe from our register at any time writing to us an email. If you do that we will not contact you again.


Our experiments take place either online or on-site at our partner Univeristy. All our experiment designs have ethical approval before an experiment takes place.

  • Duration: experiments typically last between 30 and 90 minutes
  • Payment: people are paid for participating in our experiments. If experiment is conducted in University lab payment is done immediately in cash after accomplishment individually and privately. In case of online experiment payment is done via internet bank payment the same day or latest next day depending on banking details. At the end of an experiment you will be asked to complete and sign a receipt for any money that you are paid either in person or online. This receipt will include the date of the experiment, your name, signature and amount paid. We pass these receipt to the Univeristy or Grantor’s finance department who retain them as proof of payment.
  • Amount: The amount earned in experiment can vary, but we can tell you that most participants have been willing to come back and take part in several experiments again. The amount we pay can depend on the decisions you make during an experiment, decisions other people make and an element of chance. For scientific reasons and to avoid creating false expectations, we cannot say too much about the average payment;
  • Anonimity: All decisions that participant takes will be fully anonymous and will not be linked to his/her identity. The participants do not have information with who they play and how much each of them earn. We are not interested in the person of who made each particular set of decisions and in our scientific work we never identify individual participants. The data will be analysed only after they have become completely anonymous.


For each experiment we randomly select and invite by email a number of registered volunteers from our registration databease. So to be invited you have to register first. When you are invited you can sign up on-line to the experiment (the email invitation will tell you how). If you don’t sign up you cannot participate. Note that participation is voluntary – if you do not want to take part in a particular experiment, you do not have to. If you sign up to a particular experiment we expect you to attend; if you don’t you cause us problems: you force us to run extra sessions and sometimes you even force us to cancel the session, in which case you also inconvenience your fellow students that do turn up to that session. Please note that we reserve the right to remove from our register (and thus stop inviting) volunteers who sign up to sessions and then fail to show up without good reason.


  • Do you pay me for participating in experiments? How much?
    • The amount can vary but we can tell you that most participants have been willing to come back and take part in several experiments. The amount we pay can depend on the decisions you make during an experiment, decisions other people make and an element of chance. All our designs have ethical approval before an experiment takes place. For scientific reasons, and to avoid creating false expectations, we cannot say too much about the average payment;
  • Why can I not sign up for announced experiment sessions?
    • For each experiment we invite only as many people as we need for that experiment. The people we invite are selected at random from our list of registered volunteers. So if you cannot sign up for those sessions it is because you were not invited for that particular experiment. But do not despair, if you are registered with us you will most certainly be invited for some experiments in the future.
  • How can I cancel my signing up for an experiment?
    • After you have signed up to an experiment, the only way to cancel your participation is by sending us an e-mail (info@lebr.org). Please note that cancellations cause us problems. We urge you to check your availability carefully before signing up to a particular experiment. But if for unexpected reasons you really have to cancel then let us know by email as soon as possible (at least 48 hours before the session).


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E-mail: info@lebr.org